Downtown Phoenix Diablo News

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asulines_thumb Jobot Coffee announces partnership with Taylor Place Starbucks, changes name to ‘Jo-Bucks’

Jobot Coffee and Diner announced plans to move into ASU’s Taylor Place Starbucks.
Read story UPDATE 4/1

asulines_thumb Developers: Triangle Records Building was ‘alternative construction’
Community members were enraged by the partial demolition of the Triangles Records and Tapes building. Read story UPDATE 4/1

shipping_thumb USGD president accuses administration of wiretapping in unopposed election
The accusations come during an election in which Dangremond had no opponent. Read story UPDATE 4/1

RYANBOYD_thumb Breitbart co-founder Steve Bannon headlines Must See Monday
Bannon will be joining the Cronkite School for the 2017-2018 school year as an ethics professor. Read story UPDATE 4/1

jobot_thumb Central Avenue to be converted into bike lane
Phoenix is taking steps to make the streets more bike friendly. Read story UPDATE 4/1

sataniccityhall_thumb Reconstructed: March Sadness Reconstructed is a podcast that isolates and divides the community.
Read story UPDATE 4/1

vintage_thumb Downtown Angels: C.I.R.C.U.S. helps clowns, entertainers downtown
Nonprofit supports clowns’ self-esteem in the face of declining public opinion. Read story UPDATE 10/31

122,861 thoughts on “Downtown Phoenix Diablo News”

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