All posts by Phoenix Diablo

SPINE-CHILLING RAW FOOTAGE: Clown sighting in downtown Phoenix alley

DIABLO EXCLUSIVE: Clown sighting in downtown Phoenix from Downtown Devil on Vimeo.

Police have received several reports of clown sightings in downtown Phoenix, with cell phone footage showing one of the terrifying incidents.

An exclusive video obtained by Phoenix Diablo appears to show an encounter between three teens and a clown in a downtown Phoenix alley. The chilling footage, shot on an iPhone, captures the teenagers coming upon a clown Sunday evening before fleeing the scene.

“It was, like, scary man, like a circus out there,” said Amanda Hugginkis, who filmed the incident on her cell phone. “All I remember is the smell of cotton candy and then we were all running. These alleys should really be safer. Like, they could add some seating seating or maybe some retail space or something.”

The events of Sunday a follow of string clown sightings across the United States. Police departments across the country have warned of the seemingly creepy clowns.

The footage you see here is unedited. Due to disturbing content, viewer discretion is advised.